Monday, May 11, 2009
PilotsEye TV - Im Airbus A330-200 von Düsseldorf auf die Malediven (GERMAN) [eLearning]

PilotsEye TV - Im Airbus A330-200 von Düsseldorf auf die Malediven (GERMAN) [eLearning] | 4,2 GB
Studio: PilotsEye TV | ASIN: B001NP7JPU | Spieldauer: 70 Minuten
Studio: PilotsEye TV | ASIN: B001NP7JPU | Spieldauer: 70 Minuten
Im neuen PilotsEye TV Abenteuer geht es von Düsseldorf auf die Malediven. Im Cockpit ein erprobtes Gespann, Chefpilot Joe Moser und Copilot Stefan Kater. Direkt in die dunkle Nacht geht es Richtung Österreich und Ungarn. Hinter uns ein kalter Abend, vor uns ein Urlaubsparadies mit ca 30 Grad Lufttemperatur.
Auf dem Flug erklärt Joe Moser einige flugtechnische Hintergründe: Warum sind die Treibstoffe rund um die Welt so preisunterschiedlich? Warum ist Kerosin auf den Malediven teurer als am Festland? Wie wirkt sich Wind in der Reiseflughöhe auf den Spritverbrauch aus? Zur Teatime gibt es einen sagenhaften Sonnenaufgang, wie man ihn nur im Cockpit genießen kann. Die ersten kleinen Inseln im türkisen Wasser kündigen die Nordspitze der Maledivischen Inselgruppe an.
Nach einer letzten Rechtskurve taucht langsam der Flughafen auf, von manchen auch der Flugzeugträger genannt, auf. Nur ein Strich im Wasser, mit ein paar Häusern rechts, repräsentiert die Landebahn 18 der Malediven. Als Special der Malediven-Folge geht es mit einer TwinOtter zu einem Rundflug über die Inseln. Wunderbare Bilder aus dem Urlaubs-Paradies beschließen diese Folge von PilotsEYE. Als Bonus-Track sozusagen wird die Landung in München von einem LTU-Kapitän im Helikopter gefilmt. Peter Thoma vom Heliteam Süd fliegt hinter dem landenden Airbus in die Runway hinein und begeleitet den Airbus den ganzen Weg bis ans Gate.
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Aircraft Modelling Step By Step Vol.2
J.M.Villalba - Aircraft Modelling Step By Step Vol.2
T+1 publication | 2000 | ISBN: 8460748545 | 50 pages | PDF | 20.62 Mb
T+1 publication | 2000 | ISBN: 8460748545 | 50 pages | PDF | 20.62 Mb
A colourful modellers' guide from Spain (in English) shows how to become an expert at construction, completing and finishing 1/48th and 1/72nd scale kits. Extensive colour photos show how to superdetail an Me 163B Komet; Douglas Dauntless, Albatros D.V, Aichi D3A1 Val; Polikarpov U-2 and Henschel Hs 129B in 1:48 scale and the F-4B Phantom II in 1:72.
Composite Sheet Forming (Composite Materials Series)
D. Bhattacharyya " Composite Sheet Forming (Composite Materials Series) "
Elsevier | ISBN 0444826416 | 1997-06-01 | PDF | 19 Mb | 548 Pages
Elsevier | ISBN 0444826416 | 1997-06-01 | PDF | 19 Mb | 548 Pages
Sheet forming is the most common process used in metal forming and is therefore constantly being adapted or modified to suit the needs of forming composite sheets. Due to the increasing availability of various types of fibre reinforced polymeric sheets, especially with thermoplastic matrices, the scope of use of such materials is rapidly expanding in the automobile, building, sports and other manufacturing industries beyond the traditional areas of aerospace and aircraft applications. This book contains twelve chapters and attempts to cover different aspects of sheet forming including both thermoplastic and thermosetting materials. In view of the expanded role of fibre reinforced composite sheets in the industry, the book also describes some non-traditional applications, processes and analytical techniques involving such materials.
The first chapter is a brief introduction to the principles of sheet metal forming. The next two chapters introduce the various forms of materials, manufacturing techniques and the fundamentals of computer simulation. Chapter 4 describes the different aspects of thermoforming of continuous fibre reinforced thermoplastics and the following chapter studies the shear and frictional behaviour of composite sheets during forming. Chapter 6 explores the possibility of applying the grid strain analysis method in continuous fibre reinforced polymeric sheets. The next two chapters address fundamental concepts and recent developments in finite element modelling and rheology. Chapter 9 introduces the theory of bending of thermoplastic composite sheets and shows a novel way of determining both longitudinal and transverse viscosities through vee-bend tests. A significant expansion in the usage of composite materials is taking place in biomedical areas. Chapter 10 discusses the thermoforming of knitted fabric reinforced thermoplastics for load bearing and anisotropic bio-implants. The final chapter introduces roll forming, a commonly used rapid manufacturing process for sheet metals, and discusses the possibility of applying it economically for continuous reinforced thermoplastic sheets.
Flight Performance of Fixed and Rotary Wing Aircraft
Flight Performance of Fixed and Rotary Wing Aircraft
Publisher: Butterworth | Pages: 600 | 2006-05-10 | ISBN 0750668172 | PDF | 14 MB
Publisher: Butterworth | Pages: 600 | 2006-05-10 | ISBN 0750668172 | PDF | 14 MB
Filippone presents an accurate, detailed, well structured book that guides the reader through nearly every aspect of aircraft performance. The performance of fixed wing, rotary wing and V/STOL aircraft is considered, with the book covering both beginner and advanced topics with comprehensive derivations throughout. Unusually for technical textbooks the book is very well written and a joy to read.
The book an ideal tool for aerospace/aeronautical undergraduates and for working engineers who need a flight performance reference. Much like Timoshenko's structures textbooks and Stroud's mathematics textbooks I see this book becoming a stalwart addition to any library.
Flight International - 10-16 March 2009
Flight International (or Flight) is a global aerospace weekly publication. Founded in 1909, it is the world's oldest continuously-published aviation news magazine. With a team of journalists and correspondents around the world, it provides global coverage of aerospace manufacturing and aviation operations in the areas of air transport, business aviation, defense, general aviation and spaceflight. Features include the magazine's famous aircraft cutaway illustrations, flight tests of new aircraft, in-service reports and sector-by-sector analysis.
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More Flight International Publications
Flight International - 3-9 March 2009
Flight International - 24 February-2 March 2009
Flight International - 17-23 February 2009
Flight International - 10-16 February 2009
Flight International - 03-09 February 2009
Radar Handbook
Merrill I. Skolnik, "Radar Handbook "
McGraw-Hill Professional; 2 ed | 1990 | ISBN: 007057913X | 1200 pages | PDF | 35,5 MB
McGraw-Hill Professional; 2 ed | 1990 | ISBN: 007057913X | 1200 pages | PDF | 35,5 MB
The Standard Reference on Radar Technology--Completely Revised and Updated RADAR HANDBOOK Second Edition Thoroughly revised to reflect advances made in radar technology over the past two decades, this second edition of the Radar Handbook will be welcomed by radar engineers, designers, and technicians the world over. Growth in radar capability and applications has been-and continues to be--prodigious, and the new material (nearly 75 percent) in this volume reflects that. The handbook covers all the new developments in radar, as well as the fundamentals, making it the standard reference. Each of the 25 chapters is written by an expert or experts in the field; more than half of the authors are new to this edition. A sampling of the many new radar advances includes: Systems such as HF over-the-horizon radar for long-range detection, space-based radar for global coverage, doppler weather radar for improved weather forecasting, radar guidance of missiles, and 3D air surveillance radar. Technology such as solid-state transmitters, digital signal processing for implementing doppler filters for moving-target indiction, CFAR, and automatic detection and tracking. Target and clutter cross-section characteristics, prediction, and measurement. Antenna technology ranging from modern reflector antennas to electronically steered phased arrays, low-sidelobe antennas, and adaptive antennas. Airborne pulse doppler, AMTI, and MTI radar methods for the detection of aircraft in the midst of much larger clutter echoes. With all this and much, much more, including discussions of modern radar transmitters and receivers not available elsewhere, the Radar Handbook belongs on the bookshelf of every radar engineer.
Stealth Warplanes
Doug Richardson "Stealth Warplanes"
Zenith Press | 2001-10-11 | ISBN: 0760310513 | 192 pages | PDF | 24 MB
Zenith Press | 2001-10-11 | ISBN: 0760310513 | 192 pages | PDF | 24 MB
This magnificently illustrated book describes the aircraft and technology behind the most significant developments in aviation since the jet engine. Penetrating the cloud of secrecy, disinformation, and speculation surrounding stealth aircraft, author Doug Richardson provides a detailed survey of the principle stealth aircraft in the skies today, including the F-117 Nighthawk, F-22 Raptor, and B1-B and B-2A bombers, as well as aircraft still on the drawing boards and in testing, like Boeing's and Lockheed's Joint Strike Fighter contenders, the Eurofighter 2000, and the latest Russian developments in the field. Stunning color plates and diagrams, along with dramatic photography, depict the nuts and bolts of these aircraft and clearly explain the technologies behind stealth. In addition, there is a fascinating look at the countermeasures under development to oppose stealth warplanes.
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Oxford ATPL Aircraft Piston Engines (Windows) [Tutorial]
Oxford ATPL Aircraft Piston Engines (Windows) [Tutorial] | 400 MB
Covers JAA ATPL Syllabus
Covers JAA ATPL Syllabus
Oxford ATPL Aircraft Piston Engines (£61.95) - Whether you are a student professional pilot needing to prepare for ground examinations, or a general aviation pilot wishing to learn more about how your engine operates, OATmedia's brand new interactive multimedia CD-ROM, on Aircraft Piston Engines, is for you.
If you are a student professional pilot, Aircraft Piston Engines will teach you Piston Engine theory, up to the standard required for the Air Transport Pilot's Licence theoretical knowledge examination.
The CD-ROM also includes JAA ATPL style tests which give you the maximum possible assistance in preparing for the written examination. If you are a general aviation pilot, Aircraft Piston Engines will teach you every aspect of your engine's operation far beyond the level of the PPL examination. It will also teach you how to manage your engine in order to get optimal engine performance, in the air.
3-D and 2-D graphics, animations and photographs giving you a much clearer idea of exactly what happens inside the piston engine than is possible using standard text books and teaching methods.
Fully interactive lessons, narrated in clear, precise English and supported by text, highlighting the main teaching points.
Multiple choice JAA ATPL questions with which you can interactively test yourself.
Topics include: Ignition systems, Fuel systems, Carburation, Cooling, Propellors, Power Augmentation, Diesel engines, and much more.
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Oxford ATPL Gas Turbine Engines [Tutorial]

Oxford ATPL Gas Turbine Engines (Windows) [Tutorial] | 450 MB
Covers the complete EASA/JAA ATPL Powerplant syllabus
Covers the complete EASA/JAA ATPL Powerplant syllabus
Oxford ATPL Gas Turbine Engines (£61.95) - This computer based training course in Gas Turbines teaches the subject of gas turbine engines up to and beyond the standard required by the EASA/JAA Air Transport Pilot's Licence (ATPL) syllabus. Gas Turbines together with its companion CD-ROM, Aircraft Piston Engines covers the complete EASA/JAA ATPL Powerplant syllabus. The two CD-ROMs together contain over 500 ATPL-style questions and answers on the subject, Powerplant.
This Gas Turbines course also covers all EASA/JAA objectives for the ATPL helicopter gas turbine syllabus, except for those pertaining specifically to helicopter engine intakes.
Though Gas Turbines is meant primarily for student professional pilots, it will also be valuable to student aircraft engineers and technicians as a high-quality introduction to the subject of Gas Turbines. General Aviation pilots who wish to learn more about aircraft systems should also find much to interest them here.
The course includes many examples using 3D and 2D graphics, animations and photographs, enabling the students to learn more effectively than ever before. In-depth lessons, written with the technical and teaching expertise of Oxford Aviation Training's world-renowned ground instructors. The lessons are narrated in clear English throughout and are supported by textual key points.
Lesson include:
* Compressors
* Combustion chambers
* Turbine Assembly
* Reverse Thrust
* Fuel Systems
* Performance
* Engine Instrumentation
* Propellers
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Mikoyan MiG-31 (Famous Russian Aircraft Series)
Yefim Gordon, "Mikoyan MiG-31 (Famous Russian Aircraft Series)"
Publisher:Midland Counties | ISBN: 1857802195 | Illustrated edition (December 16, 2005) | PDF | 224 pages | 31 MB
Publisher:Midland Counties | ISBN: 1857802195 | Illustrated edition (December 16, 2005) | PDF | 224 pages | 31 MB
The MiG-31 Foxhound long-range interceptor flew in prototype form as the Ye-155MP in 1975 and entered production in 1979, with the first regiments becoming operational in 1982. It has also been sold to China, and it remains in service in significant numbers. Yefim Gordon, the doyen of Russian aviation writers, continues to amass an outstanding archive of previously unpublished materials.
Though the MiG-31 was covered to some extent in the now out-of- print and sought-after Aerofax on the MiG-25 and -31, this new book will be close to a definitive work on this important aircraft and include an enormous amount of newly released and acquired information and a splendid array of unpublished photographs (including detailed walk-around shots) and drawings. The narrative of course includes detailed discussion of the background to the project, its development, versions, service, weaponry, and comparisons with its contemporaries such as the F-14 Tomcat. The aircraft is a favorite with enthusiasts and modelers, and the extensive coverage, both technical and operational, backed up by high-quality images and drawings, will have wide appeal. This book was the first of an occasional series of ‘in-depth’ monographs on major Russian types.
Though the MiG-31 was covered to some extent in the now out-of- print and sought-after Aerofax on the MiG-25 and -31, this new book will be close to a definitive work on this important aircraft and include an enormous amount of newly released and acquired information and a splendid array of unpublished photographs (including detailed walk-around shots) and drawings. The narrative of course includes detailed discussion of the background to the project, its development, versions, service, weaponry, and comparisons with its contemporaries such as the F-14 Tomcat. The aircraft is a favorite with enthusiasts and modelers, and the extensive coverage, both technical and operational, backed up by high-quality images and drawings, will have wide appeal. This book was the first of an occasional series of ‘in-depth’ monographs on major Russian types.
The Complete Fiberglass And Composite Library Disc 1
The Complete Fiberglass And Composite Library Disc 1 | 1.9 GB
The Complete Fiberglass and Composite Library contains The Basics of Fiberglass, A Step-By-Step Guide to Molding Fiberglass, Advanced Moldmaking and Plug Construction, Vacuum Bagging and Sandwich Core Construction and The Art of Moldless Composites
The Basics of Fiberglass - An introduction to the materials, terminology, and techniques of fiberglass work. This introductory discussion of polyester and epoxy resins, mats, fabrics, aramids and graphite is ideal for those new to composites!
A Step-by-Step Guide to Molding Fiberglass - The first ever instructional video for molding fiberglass is 35 jammed packed minutes of the complete molding process. Let us show you the 7 steps of molding fiberglass as we construct a model aircraft cowling from plug to mold to finished part - right before your eyes!
Russia's Military Aircraft in the 21st Century
Y.Gordon - Russia's Military Aircraft in the 21st Century
Midland | 2006 | ISBN: 1857802241 | 131 pages | PDF | 105 MB
Red Star vol.26
Midland | 2006 | ISBN: 1857802241 | 131 pages | PDF | 105 MB
Red Star vol.26
Язык: английскийThis interesting survey looks at Russian military aviation in the post-Soviet era. While difficulties with funding means that the large new aircraft programs of the Cold War era are likely to remain things of the past, military aviation in Russia is not standing still. Upgrades to existing programs and reorganization of current resources are two of the ways in which combat capability is being not just maintained but enhanced. This volume looks at programs like the new Mi-8MTKO and Mi-24PN night-capable helicopters from Mil. The latest Sukhoi upgrades such as the Su-24M2, Su-25SM, and Su-27SM are also explored, along with the programs designed to extend the capabilties of the Tu-95MS and Tu-160 bombers by allowing for the carriage of new and more capable missiles. The revamping of the Russian Air Force's training fleet with the Yakovlev's Yak-130 is also considered, contrasting the differences between the first ones built and production-standard aircraft.
Flight International - 31 March-6 April 2009
Flight International (or Flight) is a global aerospace weekly publication. Founded in 1909, it is the world's oldest continuously-published aviation news magazine. With a team of journalists and correspondents around the world, it provides global coverage of aerospace manufacturing and aviation operations in the areas of air transport, business aviation, defense, general aviation and spaceflight. Features include the magazine's famous aircraft cutaway illustrations, flight tests of new aircraft, in-service reports and sector-by-sector analysis.
More Flight International Publications
Flight International - 24-30 March 2009
Flight International - 17-23 March 2009
Flight International - 10-16 March 2009
Flight International - 3-9 March 2009
Flight International - 24 February-2 March 2009
Flight International - 17-23 February 2009
Flight International - 10-16 February 2009
Flight International - 03-09 February 2009
Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-29 Fulcrum (Warbird Tech Ser.vol. 41)
Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-29 Fulcrum (Warbird Tech Ser.vol. 41)
Specialty Press | ISBN: 9781580070850 | 2005 | PDF | English | 105 pages | 29.3 Mb
Specialty Press | ISBN: 9781580070850 | 2005 | PDF | English | 105 pages | 29.3 Mb
The WarbirdTech series is the first new, innovative look at military aircraft to arrive in the marketplace in the last fifteen years. Individual volumes in this series provide a first-ever "layman's technical" analysis and review of the world's most exciting combat aircraft. Included are photos, drawings and excerpts from previously "secret" and "restricted" technical manuals produced by the government and the aircraft manufacturers. Included are vintage photos of aircraft during prototype and manufacturing stages, exploded views, cutaways and phantom drawings form tech manuals, disassembled aircraft, rare variants and experimental models etc. Special emphasis is placed on the unique and ground-breaking design and performance aspects of each aircraft.
Scale Aircraft Modelling
Mark Stanton, Scale Aircraft Modelling
The Crowood Press | 2002 | ISBN: 1861264453 | PDF | 59 MB
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Aiaa Aerospace Design Engineers Guide (Library of Flight Series)
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, "Aiaa Aerospace Design Engineers Guide (Library of Flight Series)"
AIAA | 2003 | ISBN: 1563475901 | 447 pages | PDF | 3,85 MB
AIAA | 2003 | ISBN: 1563475901 | 447 pages | PDF | 3,85 MB
The fifth revised and enlarged edition of this classic, indispensable, and practical guide provides a condensed collection of commonly used engineering reference data specifically related to aerospace design. New material on air breathing propulsion, systems engineering, and radar cross section has been added to reflect recent data in aircraft design. AIAA Aerospace Design Engineers Guide is an essential tool for every design engineer and every aspiring aerospace engineering student!
>>> Future Flight: A Review of the Small Aircraft Transportation System Concept
Posted By : Dimon-777 | Date : 06 Apr 2009 03:17 | Comments : 0
National Research Council, ">>> Future Flight: A Review of the Small Aircraft Transportation System Concept"
Publisher: Transportation Research Board National Resear | 2002 | ISBN 0309072484 | PDF | 122 pages | 2.57 MB
Publisher: Transportation Research Board National Resear | 2002 | ISBN 0309072484 | PDF | 122 pages | 2.57 MB
Top Gun: The Ultimate in Airborne Action
Top Gun: The Ultimate in Airborne Action By Christopher Chant
Publisher: Book Sales 1992 | 208 Pages | ISBN: 1853484210 | PDF | 34 MB
Publisher: Book Sales 1992 | 208 Pages | ISBN: 1853484210 | PDF | 34 MB
208 pages, oversize hardcover in an attractive photo-illustrated binding with a lot of pictures/illustrations (majority in color) and an Index. ".even in today's climate of computer-aided design and manufacture, there are still individuals who are pushing back the frontiers of aircraft design. TOP GUN is an introduction to those individuals and to their successes. With full technical data and a wealth of superb full-colour illustrations, the biggest, the smallest, the highest, the stealthiest, and of course the fastest, civil and military aircraft.(are) examined; an exciting and informative analysis of one of Man's most remarkable endeavours."
AG Military Aircrafts Collection #44
AG Military Aircrafts Collection #44
30 JPG | 4300x2900~1920x1200 | 36.0 MB |
AG Military Aircrafts Collection #43
AG Military Aircrafts Collection #42
AG Military Aircrafts Collection #41
AG Military Aircrafts Collection #40
AG Military Aircrafts Collection #39
AG Military Aircrafts Collection #38
AG Military Aircrafts Collection #37
AG Military Aircrafts Collection #36
AG Military Aircrafts Collection #35
AG Military Aircrafts Collection #34
AG Military Aircrafts Collection #33
AG Military Aircrafts Collection #32
AG Military Aircrafts Collection #31
AG Military Aircrafts Collection #30
AG Military Aircrafts Collection #29
AG Military Aircrafts Collection #28
AG Military Aircrafts Collection #27
AG Military Aircrafts Collection #26
AG Military Aircrafts Collection 11-to-20 (Part 2)
AG Military Aircrafts Collection 11-to-20 (Part 1)
AG Military Aircrafts Collection 01-to-10 (Part 2)
AG Military Aircrafts Collection 01-to-10 (Part 1)
Supersonic Aircraft Optimization for Minimizing Drag and Sonic Boom
Supersonic Aircraft Optimization for Minimizing Drag and Sonic Boom
Publisher: Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics Stanford University | ISBN: N/A | edition 2003 | PDF | 152 pages | 11,3 mb
Publisher: Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics Stanford University | ISBN: N/A | edition 2003 | PDF | 152 pages | 11,3 mb
A design tool incorporating classical sonic boom theory, computational fluid dynamics and a multi-objective genetic algorithm was developed for low-boom supersonic aircraft optimization. Both sonic boom and drag were optimized simultaneously and a Pareto optimal set of designs ranging from minimum boom to minimum drag was obtained for each optimization. Since sonic boom was optimized directly, the method had broader applicability than the traditional inverse method.
René Y. Darmon - Leading the Sales Force: A Dynamic Management Process
Rene Y. Darmon - Leading the Sales Force: A Dynamic Management Process
Cambridge University Press | 2007 | ISBN: 0521848342 | Pages: 398 | PDF | 5.62 MB
Cambridge University Press | 2007 | ISBN: 0521848342 | Pages: 398 | PDF | 5.62 MB
How should a sales force be managed effectively? Like aircraft pilots, managers must analyse information and make interconnected decisions in order to accomplish their missions. This book provides an integrative vision of a sales manager’s function, using the concept of a dynamic sales force management process. This process adds a new dimension to the ‘classical’ conception of sales force management, showing how sales managers can be more effective when they develop and maintain a holistic vision. The first part of the book describes the key actors and their roles, while the second part examines the tools used to implement the dynamic sales force management process. René Y. Darmon shows how this process relies on a clear vision of successive sales missions to be accomplished over time by all members of a sales team, as they develop strategies and tactics which contribute to fulfilling the firm’s overall aims.
Ami Vlaero Plus 2.0
VLAERO+ is a planar vortex lattice method for the aerodynamic analysis of subsonic and supersonic aircraft configurations. With it's own GUI, VLAERO+ is ideally suited for the preliminary design environment where it can be used to quickly produce loads, stability and control data. Thousands of calculations have demonstrated that VLAERO+ is not only extremely simple to use but is also highly accurate within the limitations of the governing equations.
Geometry is represented by a series of trapezoidal patches . Camber and twist (including airfoil sections, wing twist, and control surface deflections) are easily specified using common aerodynamic design parameters. Output data are clearly tabulated, including interpolated geometry, surface pressures, force and moment coefficients, and distributed loads.
VLAERO+ includes a graphical user interface for geometry creation, program execution, and solution visualization. Intuitive toolbars provide geometry creation and editing functions. Component ordering and input file creation are performed transparently without the need to edit fixed format text files. Airfoil data management and specification are greatly simplified. Execution of the flow solver is controlled by the interface, and the results are processed for visualization.
Aircraft Commercial Collection Wallpapers
Aircraft Commercial Collection Wallpapers
JPG | 60 Pics | 1200x900 | 8,04 mb
JPG | 60 Pics | 1200x900 | 8,04 mb
Concept Aircraft (The Aviation Factfile)
Concept Aircraft (The Aviation Factfile)
Thunder Bay Press (October 7, 2005) | ISBN: 1592234801 | PDF | 256 pages | 142 Mb
Climb into the cockpit of some of the world's most exciting experimental and test aircraft, like the revolutionary Vought XF5U. Nicknamed the "Flying Pancake," the XF5U's unique saucer shape fueled rumors that the United States government was secretly testing a UFO! Fascinating stories about fabled prototypes and designs that would shape aviation history abound in this authoritative book edited by aviation expert Jim Winchester. Spreads feature plenty of historical photographs, full-color graphics, timelines and fun facts that showcase the genius behind some of the greatest designs in aviation history. Though many of these designs never flew, this new book in the Aviation Factfiles series is definitely ready to fly.
Flight International - 21-27 April 2009
Flight International (or Flight) is a global aerospace weekly publication. Founded in 1909, it is the world's oldest continuously-published aviation news magazine. With a team of journalists and correspondents around the world, it provides global coverage of aerospace manufacturing and aviation operations in the areas of air transport, business aviation, defense, general aviation and spaceflight. Features include the magazine's famous aircraft cutaway illustrations, flight tests of new aircraft, in-service reports and sector-by-sector analysis.
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Flight Dynamics Principles, Second Edition: A Linear Systems Approach to Aircraft Stability and Control
Michael Cook " Elsevier Aerospace Engineering, 2nd edition 2007 "
Butterworth-Heinemann | August 20, 2007 | ISBN: 0750669276 | 491 pages | PDF | 3.01 Mb
Butterworth-Heinemann | August 20, 2007 | ISBN: 0750669276 | 491 pages | PDF | 3.01 Mb
The study of flight dynamics requires a thorough understanding of the theory of the stability and control of aircraft, an appreciation of flight control systems and a comprehensive grounding in the theory of automatic control. Flight Dynamics provides all three in an accessible and student focussed text.
Written for those coming to the subject for the first time the book is suitable as a complete first course text. It provides a secure foundation from which to move on to more advanced topics such a non-linear flight dynamics, simulation and advanced flight control, and is ideal for those on course including flight mechanics, aircraft handling qualities, aircraft stability and control.
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AG Military Aircrafts Collection #46
French Aeroplanes Before the Great War
French Aeroplanes Before the Great War By Leonard E. Opdycke
Publisher: Schiffer Publishing Ltd 1999 | 288 Pages | ISBN: 0764307525 | PDF | 87 MB
Publisher: Schiffer Publishing Ltd 1999 | 288 Pages | ISBN: 0764307525 | PDF | 87 MB
Forgive me while I eulogise, it's not often that a book I like as much as this one comes along. This is a joy to behold and fills a whacking great gap in aviation reference literature. Leo Opdycke, the publisher of two US aviation magazines, 'World War 1 Aero' and 'Skyways', has, together with a select band of collaborators, been collecting pictures and data on French pioneer aircraft for this project for many years. He has also been given the run of the Musée de l'Air's archive in Paris which has enabled him to expand his researches and unearth photographs of many of the machines. Now the results of all that effort have been published in the form of this book and we're presented with both a labour of love and a record of nearly 700 builders - in alphabetical order with lots of photos, many of which are very rare or appear for the first time in print. As far as I'm aware no one has attempted to do this before and J M Bruce in his enthusiastic foreword implies as much. The sheer scale of the task is daunting - and it's interesting that it has finally been undertaken by an American given that the bulk of the information must surely have been available in France. So, despite the author's modest statement that this is not the definitive work, it's by miles the nearest we've got or, even, are possibly likely to get. As well as being an invaluable work of reference it's very entertaining merely to read through and see the extraordinary range of ideas for flying machines that were optimistically and enthusiastically produced during the first decade or so of the 20th century in France, the 'cradle of aviation'. (North America, home of the Wright brothers, was the 'birthplace'). Quite a few never flew - and when you see the photos with the benefit of hindsight, you can quite see why - but a surprisingly large number did. Some look like they would have flown with a little more 'puissance' and others are remarkably prescient but ahead of their time as far as the available technology was concerned. It's also interesting that although the Wrights were the first to fly successfully, not many of the circa 700 French builders copied them, preferring to go their own ways or base their flying machines on indigenous products, notably Bleriot's. To be completely dispassionate (though, you can tell, I'm not!) it would be more splendid if some of the photos were bigger and there were even more. However, I'll end by quoting a sentence from the dust jacket 'summary'. "This collection serves as a kind of super Exposition Internationale de Locomotion Aérienne; readers are invited to enter the Grand Palais, as they might have in 1908 or 1909, to enjoy these marvellous aircraft." If you're interested in pioneer aircraft, it's a must have. - By W. Grigg "Albessard" (Bedfordshire, England)
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Avion Revue - May 2009 (N°323)
Avion Revue magazine is a highly dynamic and graphic layout. Each issue usually includes two articles on military aviation, two civil aviation or airport ground services, aircraft or competitive sports and a section for the space. It also includes a collectible, poster sheets or planes in the center pages, a news section and one for queries from readers.
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Tupolev Tu-22M (Russian Aircraft in Action)
Tupolev Tu-22M (Russian Aircraft in Action)
Polygon Press | ISBN 1932525033 | 2003 | PDF | 82 pages | 40 MB
Polygon Press | ISBN 1932525033 | 2003 | PDF | 82 pages | 40 MB
“ | In 1964, the Tupolev Design Bureau began development of a twin-engined medium bomber intended as a replacement for the Tu-22 supersonic bomber which had entered service in the early 1960s. For political reasons, Andrey Nikolayevich Tupolev presented the project as the Tu-22M; this was a trick intended to fool the Soviet government into thinking a considerable increase in capabilities could be obtained by a simple modification of the existing Tu-22 'Blinder'. This, according to Tupolev, was easier and cheaper than the "clean sheet of paper" designs proposed by the rival Sukhoi and Myasischev bureaus. Known in-house as "aircraft 145", initially the projected bomber indeed looked like a rehash of the production Tu-22 with new variable-geometry wings. Soon, however, it became obvious that this approach was no good, and the aircraft which eventually entered flight testing on 30 August 1969 as the Tu-22M0 had virtually nothing in common with the Blinder. Suffice it to say that the engines were now buried in the fuselage, not mounted at the base of the fin. Achieving initial operating capability in 1972, the bomber was initially misidentified by the West as the Tu-26 and code-named Backfire. The initial Tu-22M2 production version evolved into the improved Tu-22M3 and the Tu-22MR reconnaissance version. In addition to conventional bombing, the aircraft was suitable for naval missile strike missions. From 1987 on, the type saw action during the closing stage of the Afghan War, dropping heavy bombs which, in the words of the crew, "flattened the mountains completely". After the demise of the Soviet Union, the type was operated by two of the new CIS republics, Russia and the Ukraine. | ” |
The Vital Guide to Military Aircraft
The Vital Guide to Military Aircraft By Sophearith Moeng
Publisher: The Crowood Press Ltd 2001 | 120 Pages | ISBN: 1840370653 | PDF | 65 MB
Publisher: The Crowood Press Ltd 2001 | 120 Pages | ISBN: 1840370653 | PDF | 65 MB
A compact reference guide to the world's major, current military aircraft. Published as the first in a series of handy reference guides, this volume covers all the most important military aircraft in service today. Every aircraft has a full specification, with a 3-view general arrangement drawing and at least one photograph.
Nonlinear Analysis and Synthesis Techniques for Aircraft Control
Nonlinear Analysis and Synthesis Techniques for Aircraft Control (Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences)
Springer | 360 pages | 2007 | ISBN: 3540737189 | PDF | 5.8 mb
Springer | 360 pages | 2007 | ISBN: 3540737189 | PDF | 5.8 mb
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Flying Through Midnight: A Pilot's Dramatic Story of His Secret Missions Over Laos During the Vietnam War
Flying Through Midnight: A Pilot's Dramatic Story of His Secret Missions Over Laos During the Vietnam War
Publisher: St. Martin's Paperbacks | ISBN: 0312942036 | edition 2007 | CHM | 480 pages | 1,41 mb
Publisher: St. Martin's Paperbacks | ISBN: 0312942036 | edition 2007 | CHM | 480 pages | 1,41 mb
When John Halliday arrived at Thailand's Nakhon Phanom Air Base in 1970, he thought the next year would bore him out of his skull. He believed his mission in the Vietnam War would be to fly cargo around Thailand. What could be easier? A couple of nights later, Halliday found himself dodging dozens of anti-aircraft shells in an aging cargo plane over the Ho Chi Minh Trail. Flying Through Midnight is his riveting account of his top-secret black-ops assignment--one of the most dangerous of the war.
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Dark Eagles. A History of Top Secret U.S. Aircraft Programs
Curtis Peebles - Dark Eagles. A History of Top Secret U.S. Aircraft Programs.
Presidio Press | 1999 | ISBN: 089141696X | 378 pages | PDF | 3.51 MB
Presidio Press | 1999 | ISBN: 089141696X | 378 pages | PDF | 3.51 MB
Peebles admirably assembles, from a multitude of sources, a compact complete history of U.S. programs to develop so-called black or secret aircraft. Those began with work on the first American jet, the Bell P-59, during World War II, and proceeded to include the construction of such eventual headline-makers as the U-2, the SR-71 Blackbird, and the F-117 Nighthawk stealth fighter, which distinguished itself in the Gulf War. Also covered are such lesser-known vehicles as several families of reconnaissance drones, some fast and high, some low and slow. Besides the hardware, Peebles covers the logistics, administration, and politics of keeping multibillion-dollar programs under wraps until they succeed or fail. Occasionally, such secrecy has led to fantasizing aircraft that do not exist--the demonstrably legendary Mach 5 Aurora, for example, which was a favorite of flying saucer cultists.
Aeronautical Radio Communication Systems and Networks
Aeronautical Radio Communication Systems and Networks
Dale Stacey, "Aeronautical Radio Communication Systems and Networks"
Wiley | 2008 | ISBN: 0470018593 | 370 pages | PDF | 2,7 MB
Wiley | 2008 | ISBN: 0470018593 | 370 pages | PDF | 2,7 MB
Typically, there are over twenty radio systems on board the average commercial jet aircraft dealing with communication, navigation and surveillance functions. Very high frequency (VHF) air-to-ground communication is usually the main method of information and control exchange between pilot and air traffic control. Satellite and high frequency radio links are used to complement this system for long range or oceanic information exchanges. Other communications systems are required between the airline operation centre and the pilot and sometimes between the passengers and the ground.
Machining of Polymer Composites
Machining of Polymer Composites
Jamal Y. Sheikh-Ahmad , "Machining of Polymer Composites"
Springer | 2008 | ISBN: 0387355391 | 230 pages | PDF | 12 MB
Springer | 2008 | ISBN: 0387355391 | 230 pages | PDF | 12 MB
Machining of Polymer Matrix Composites will serve as an indispensable reference/source book for process design, tool and production engineers in composite manufacturing. This book provides the reader with a comprehensive scientific treatment of the theory of machining as it applies to fiber reinforced polymer composites, covers the latest technical advances in the area of machining and tooling and discusses the applications of fiber reinforced polymer composites as they are used in the aircraft and automotive manufacturing industries.
Mach 3+: NASA/USAF YF-12 flight research, 1969-1979
Mach 3+: NASA/USAF YF-12 flight research, 1969-1979
Mach 3+: NASA/USAF YF-12 flight research, 1969-1979 By Peter W Merlin
Publisher: NASA Publication 2002 | 154 Pages | ASIN: B0006RPZCA | PDF | 8 MB
Publisher: NASA Publication 2002 | 154 Pages | ASIN: B0006RPZCA | PDF | 8 MB
During the 1950s, American aircraft designers emphasized configurations that flew increasingly high and fast, a trend that continued for nearly two decades. Then, during the 1970s, efficiency, noise reduction, and fuel economy also became important considerations, in part because military analysts no longer deemed speed and altitude the paramount capabilities necessary to ensure national security.
Among the aircraft designs that transitioned from paper to hardware during the high-speed era, the Lockheed Blackbirds hold a unique place. The A-12, YF-12A, M-21, D-21, and SR-71 variants outperformed all other jet airplanes in terms of altitude and speed. To this day, they remain the only production aircraft capable of sustained cruise in excess of Mach 3. Developed in utmost secrecy, they eventually became some of the world’s most famous aircraft.
Conceived originally as spyplanes, several Blackbirds saw service with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) as research platforms. This monograph describes the first major NASA project involving the Blackbirds. Conducted with the U.S. Air Force (USAF) as a partner, the NASA/USAF YF-12 research lasted 10 years, and produced a wealth of data on materials, structures, loads, heating, aerodynamics, and performance for high-speed aircraft.
More than two decades after the program ended, no comprehensive history of the joint program has yet been written. This monograph is an attempt to rectify that deficiency. Until recently, security restrictions prevented the release of some information relative to the YF-12. Since then, numerous documents have been declassified, and program participants are free to speak about previously restricted aspects of the project. Unfortunately, some who contributed to the NASA/USAF YF-12 investigations have not outlived the blanket of security that covered their work. Those who have must reach back more than 20 years to retrieve anecdotes and historical details. In a sense, the oral history interviews in this monograph amount to a sort of salvage archeology into the fading memories of the remaining YF-12 participants.
Over the years, numerous books and articles have been written about the Blackbirds, but few give more than a brief description of the YF-12 and its role as a research aircraft. In this monograph, I briefly describe the origins of the Blackbird family of aircraft and how NASA became involved with them. Each of the following chapters then describes a facet of the NASA/USAF YF-12 research program in detail. This monograph would not have been possible without access to numerous technical reports (some recently declassified), briefings, and other source material from the NASA Dryden Historical Reference Collection, as well as the oral interviews that fleshed out the story and provided an insider’s view of the project.
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