Six CD-ROMs including a compendium pack meeting the traditional ground training syllabus requirements of the JAA PPL/NPPL theoretical knowledge subjects in Air Law, Human Performance and Limitations, Navigation & Radio Aids, Meteorology, Aircraft (General) & Principles of Flight and Flight Performance and Planning.
Minimum recommended PC specification: Windows(98, ME, 2000, XP), 550 MHz CPU, 128 Mb RAM, 4x CD-ROM Drive, Windows compatible sound card
Disc 1: Air Law & Operational Procedures
Like any community, the world of aviation is governed by laws and regulations. And, as in any field of human activity, if you are to become an effective, safe and responsible member of the aviation community, you must know you Air Law and abide by its precepts.
Because aviation is an activity that is global in scope, Air Law applies internationally as well as nationally. Organisations such as the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO), lay down regulations and procedures which, to a very great extent, are enshrined in the national legislation of ICAO's member countries, including the United Kingdom, and in the rules of other multi-national authorities such as the Joint Aviation Authorities (JAA).
Disc 2: Human Performance and Limitations
For a pilot, the study of Human performance and Limitations is crucial to an understanding of the central role played by the human factor in promoting safety and efficiency in flying operations. A thorough understanding of this subject is essential if you are to develop the high standards of airmanship required of all those who fly, whether as a private or professional pilot.
In this interactive computer-based training (CBT) course, we aim to teach you the essentials of what you need to know about the interaction between the human being, his aircraft and the flying environment.
Disc 3: Navigation and Radio Aids
The private pilot invariably operates as the pilot in command of a single-pilot aircraft. So, in actual fact, he is not only a pilot but a navigator, too. It is essential, therefore, especially during cross-country flights, that the pilot should be able to apply all the correct practices to his navigational task, in a timely manner, without being distracted from flying accurate headings, airspeeds and altitudes. Developing this skill is the very essence of single pilot navigation. The foundation on which this skill resides is meticulous flight planning.
Disc 4: Meteorology
The study of Aviation Meteorology is a fundamental part of any pilot training. A thorough understanding of weather theory and the ability to interpret weather briefing documents are absolutely essential to all private pilots to ensure that, throughout their flying careers, they can make informed and accurate decisions about how prevailing or forecast weather conditions will affect flying operations.
Above all, a full understanding of how the weather influences aircraft operations is crucial to flight safety.
Disc 5: Aircraft (General) and Principles of Flight
Aircraft (General)teaches you all you need to know about the systems of a modern light aircraft, so that you can fly your aircraft efficiently and safely, while exercising proper care of the aeroplane itself. Systems covered include the electric, electronic, mechanical and hydraulic systems, its engine and its instruments.
For those who fly, a thorough knowledge of the Principles of Flight is also essential if they are to fully appreciate the flight characteristics of their aircraft and become safe and proficient pilots. This interactive, graphically-rich computer-based training (CBT) course provides pilots, whether student or qualified, with an effective and enjoyable method of studying, and testing themselves in, the scientific principles upon which flight depends.
Disc 6: Flight Performance and Planning
As a pilot, you must have a clear perspective on your aircraft's capabilities. It is essential for you to know, for instance, how well, or how badly, your aircraft performs in the various phases of flight. How much runway will you use for take-off and landing, how well will the aircraft climb, how far it can fly, how long can it remain airborne? These are questions you need to know the answer to for every aircraft you fly. You will find the answers to these questions through your study of the theoretical knowledge subject 'Aircraft Performance'. Fully appreciating your aircraft's performance and what controls that performance is vital for safe and efficient flying operations.
Pass: warez-bb.org
ReplyDeleteWhen I try to run Air Law & Operational Procedures cd the message "please insert correct cd" appears. I can't find crack file. I'll be thankful if You could help me with that problem!
Thx in advance!
Vista, Windows7 Users: You only need to mount (Use Daemon Tools Lite)
ReplyDeleteXP Users: You need to mount the image and then follow these steps to bypass protection...
This is how I got 2 XP working this morning...
1) Load the image, install the software.
2) Open Device Manager and disable all CDROMS (not uninstall, just disable) including the virtual SCSI CDROM created by Daemon Tools(!).
3) Reboot your PC (You'll be asked to do so after disabling virtual drive).
4) After PC boots, you'll be able to enable/disable virtual drive in Device Manager without rebooting. So - just enable the virtual drive and it will work fine.
I've just done everything in accordance with Your instructions and it still does not work :( I'm afraid, that the problem is lack of crack file. I don't know why it doesn't work and I'm really sad about it!
ReplyDeleteCheer form Poland!
ReplyDeletefrom Poland, not form :)
ReplyDeleteI've the same problem. I did everything what you have adviced and it has still didn't run!
Please help me! I guess that crack file is need.